Monday, June 20, 2011

Step one

Today has been full of LAUNDRY!!! I have done at least 7 loads and I still have probably 10 more to go! I got soooo behind. It makes me want to cry. My wonderful mother came over today and helped me gut my pantry, work on laundry and just be there to keep me going. I made dinner tonight. Pork with a BBQ rub, corn on the cob and home made MAC AND CHEESE! Seriously love it.

I also spent part of the night working on etsy orders. That will be all caught up tomorrow. I am super excited. Lots to do but at least i started to accomplish my goal of getting back on top of things. Tomorrow is another day. Good night :)

Sunday, June 19, 2011

on track?

my life has been one of those crazy rollercoaster rides lately. I feel so out of control. So much so that I went back to the Dr. to get back on my medication. I have been taking that for a week and actually feel like it is starting to work. I long for the day when I feel like I can remember things, be on top of things etc. I will never understand why I get this way. I know it is just one of those things that we have to endure in life. A challenge for me. I told a friend the other day how I feel like I am drowning. As if I am under water at all times fighting for air. Then once and a while I will get to the top, take a breath and then quickly be tugged under by all the pressure in life. I am so blessed to have amazing people in my life that help me. People that care so much that they would go out of their way to help and cheer me up. All that is so important to me. I treasure my relationships with my family and my friends. So hopefully there will be a lot more posts, a lot more progress in the next few months. I have so much that I want to accomplish and so much to do that it is so necessary for me to get back on track.

A side note-
I am laying in bed, typing on the netbook while my wonderful husband is laying next to me reading a book and a church book at that! This NEVER happens but it is so nice to sit here, no TV on and just BE together. Nothing said, no sounds but the typing and a turn of a page here and there. I realize I am so lucky that I have this moment. Like the post before, things that matter most are so simple. So simple infact that we often don't even realize they should be recognize. Loving my life! Happy Father's Day to all the fathers out there! Good night.........