Saturday, February 4, 2012

5 things that make me happy

1. I love reading other people's blog posts. Call it weird, whatever but I like to know what is going on in their life.... Creepy? Maybe...
I may or may not be laughing so hard I am crying over a recent post my sister in law wrote about their dog walker. Pretty sure I have been laughing for 10 minutes about this. Hilarious!

2. Cute sparkly silver BOBS, that is right BOBS...... Shoe Carnival was doing buy one get one half off so I got a pair from the little girls section and got Addison a matching pink pair. She has been wearing them for 2 hours now and she won't take them off. I tried, she cried.

3. A husband that is willing to go with me to Victoria Secret so I can find a new bra. He is the only male in the place and trying not to look like a creeper played his phone while I tried bras on. He let me use our tax return money to get a few. I love him. Needed them so bad! Even ran into an old neighbor..... right as the lady was telling me that I was $1 away from getting a free lacey thong.... pretty sure he was bright red at that point.

4. Chips and Salsa from Chilis. Enough said.

5. Taking Kaden to get his hair cut at Craig Cuts and having him jump out of the chair with a big smile on his face saying "look mom! I am a cool dude!". Yep, he is a cool dude. Addison touched his hair and messed it up a bit, the kid broke out in tears for 5 minutes. Yep, cool dude.