Sunday, April 1, 2012

The flood gates open

I don't think many realize but my life has been one big transition since October of last year. Once desicion after another has been made, declined, thought about etc. Just in the last few weeks Jason and I have made the big decision to have him go back to school....... again...... yeah again. He has is bachelors in business management already but it isn't taking him any place. No new jobs have come from it, nothing positive. The only thing it has given us is a huge student loan payment. I hate that payment!!! Anyway, we had another job set and ready to go but for some reason they kept pushing back his official hire date. Just when we thought we had everything figured out they called us and told us that we would be until at least April or May. Jason was getting pretty discouraged with his current job and no set official hire date for the other job we thought was going to be our big answer to prayers. Well turns out they are pushing back the hire date until August and we both feel as if that is a sign. A sign telling us there is something different that we need to do. So June 21st Jason starts school at MMI in Phoenix, AZ. We will be moving there mid June. I am really scared. I mean REALLY scared. I have never lived outside of Utah County. I know it will be good for us but I am just so overwhelmed with everything that goes into it. I am going to miss my family here so much. I am already crying over it. I have been praying for some kind of "sign" telling me this is right. I know that nothing is going to fall out of the heavens and knock me on the head. I just needed that moment when I felt right. When I felt at peace. After the first session today there was a special about a young boy who helps another boy his age who is handicap. I can't even remember what he had but I know the story was amazing. The thing that hit me so hard was the lady they were focusing on had moved from out of state to.......Gilbert, AZ. She explained that she had only lived one place in her life, she didn't have a husband and for some reason just took her kids to Arizona and hoped for the best. Little did she know that trip would introduce her to the missionaries and she would later be baptised. The story is beautiful but it hit hard for me. Arizona, it felt like my answer. Of ALL the stories that could be told, of all the times I decide to stay and watch in between sessions that story comes on. I feel it was my answer. That I don't need to worry that we won't find a ward in Arizona that we will love. I don't need to worry about changes because if it is right then in the end great things will come from it. I have been crying off and on from that moment and lost it in front of my brother today.

I have been so guilty lately of comparing myself to others. I see everyone around me doing great in jobs, buying homes, having kids, and just over all seem like they have a great life. I see my situation and wonder why in the world I can't get things together. I have not been looking forward to turning 30 this year because I feel like I haven't accomplished all that everyone else has at much younger ages.... blah. Then I hear Elder Hollad's talk and he councels us to not compare ourselves to others. He said- “Brothers and sisters, there are going to be times in our lives when someone else gets an unexpected blessing or receives some special recognition,” he said. “May I plead with us not to be hurt—and certainly not to feel envious—when good fortune comes to another. We are not diminished when someone else is added upon. We are not in a race against each other to see who is the wealthiest or the most talented or the most beautiful or even the most blessed.

“The race we are really in is the race against sin, and surely envy is one of the most universal of those.”

“However late you think you are, however many chances you think you have missed, however many mistakes you feel you have made, or talents you think you don’t have, or distance from home and family and God you feel you have traveled, I testify that you have not traveled beyond the reach of divine love.”

What a powerful talk. I needed it, I needed it so bad. The talk is going to be available on Thursday to read but can view it on right now.

So after all that has happened I realized a few things-
1. I can't compare myself to everyone. No matter how well they are doing, I can't be envious I just need to be happy for them. That is going to be hard and I will work on it.
2. Sometimes you have to leave your comfort zone and take a chance in order to progress in life. Moving is not ideal for me but I truly believe in the long run it will bless our little family.
3. I am one person and can only do so much. My business has taken over my life lately and I am ready to scale back and start being a better mother and wife.


  1. Amanda! You have me in tears! This was one of my favorite talks and I definitely needed to hear it. I'm glad you mentioned it in here cuz I was having a rough time tonight and needed to hear those quotes again. I'm so sorry that it has been such a rough little while.. It really is time for things to get better and I'm so glad you got your sign today while watching that special.. I am going to miss you guys so much you have no idea. But I know its only temporary and it is the best thing for your family. I want to thank you for your great example to the rest of us younger ashby kids.. Seriously your strength amazes me and we are so lucky to have you guys to look up to. You might not see it the same way we do but you are so much stronger than you give yourself credit for. You are an amazing wife, mother, sister, daughter, friend, business owner, and one of the coolest people that I know. You guys will do great in arizona.. I know it! We will come visit you! I promise! I love you so much!

  2. i feel more and more like we really are in a very similar place now! it's comforting to know that you are here too, and we have each other to lean on! i am so glad you posted this. i definitely needed to hear it. i have some MAJOR problems with envying others. i am literally constantly comparing myself and feeling crappy about it. it's awful. that talk is exactly what a lot of us needed, and i absolutely second everything chloe said! i'm pretty sure i will miss you guys to tears, but a year won't be long. we will DEFINITELY come visit, and the blessings you and your family will receive from these sacrifices are going to be so worth it. love you!
